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Ambassador Foley Feels Aggrieved.

Having the public learn of 2 arrests and years of discord with an ex-wife would be difficult for even a seasoned candidate.  For Republican Tom Foley, the past week has come as a nasty surprise to the novice candidate.

We understand that candidates will tell us that damaging issues are irrelevant.  The people, they declare, want to hear about the issues that matter.  They do, and a candidate’s conduct matters.

Tom Foley certainly possesses the intellect to serve as governor.  His temperament, which also matters,  has been called into question.  The party-endorsed candidate in the Republican primary is unhappy with the buffeting his campaign has endured this week.  The revelations are painful, embarrassing and come at an inconvenient time for Foley, less than 6 weeks from the primary.  Foley is not revealing himself as an adept crisis management.

The former ambassador to Ireland issued a statement today that purports to address this morning’s Courant article about a 2006 statement Foley sought and obtained from his ex-wife, declaring he had never abused her.

Foley says that his ex-wife  “has never claimed that there was physical abuse or threatening behavior between us, and neither was ever raised during a lengthy and contentious divorce that was litigated and included hundreds of motions over 15 years and a thorough custody evaluation.”  The former Mrs. Foley claimed that he tried to run her and her infant son off the road in Greenwich in 1993.  He states, “I used my car to try and block her car from leaving my driveway and tried twice to obtain the information at intersections.”  Picture that extended, unhappy scene that started in his driveway and continued through the streets of Greenwich.  Of course the pursued is going to feel threatened.

Foley says he won’t object to unsealing the records of his 1981 arrest, which also involved a motor vehicle.  He needs to take affirmative action to obtain and release the details of an incident that landed him in jail overnight. Maybe it was a simple traffic accident that could have been solved by a truck accident injury claim, distorted by the misperceptions of people in the other car.  Foley’s claim would be more credible if he could remember where he was that night and who was in the other car. Also, here are some of the dangers of driving fatigued, which you can check it out here!

Foley’s statement, which has the tone of a man who feels like a victim who was arrested for DUI, provides a startling revelation.  He writes that his contentious divorce “included hundreds of motions over 15 years and a thorough custody evaluation.”  Hundreds of motions in 15 years?  That sounds like a roadmap to madness–all in the public domain.

Despite Foley’s claim, there’s still a lot on his table.


1 E { 07.01.10 at 6:23 pm }

When did Oz and Fedele stop beating their wives?

2 Fuzzy Dunlop { 07.01.10 at 6:36 pm }

Who the hell’s madness are you talking about Kevin? Divorces are messy, especially when there’s a lot of money at stake. Moreover, where custody is contested, it wouldn’t be uncommon for there to be a lot of motions, especially post dissolution.

Shall we have Foley and his ex-wife come out and publicly debate the merits of their divorce? Would you prefer that he call her some nasty name in one of his press releases, so that she can feel obliged to do likewise?

The arrest in the 80s is fair game. But the divorce matters deserve more delicate treatment. It is completely understandable that Foley would seek to protect his son and even his ex wife from being forced to relive what sounds like a nightmare divorce.

3 Unbelievable { 07.01.10 at 8:51 pm }

Could Rennie possibly be any deeper in the tank for Fedele? With his numbers so pathetically low in the polls do they have to dip this far into the competition from their same party to hopefully garner a few percentage points for Mike? “Temperament” Please. How many leaders in our state, country and world possessed passionate personalities and led successfully? Are we looking for another Gerald Ford who golf’s all the time but is pleasant to deal with? Opponents have to troll decades deep to get NY Post headlines that in anyone else’s lives would be long forgotten albeit regretful memories? No one will be voting for Mike even if you guys hammer this to death until primary day – the Republican’s continually deserve to lose in this state. Pathetic. BTW, thanks, Mike, for letting the soaked CT taxpayers pay for you to run for office…why should you spend your millions? Lol. But we know this is what all of you down at the LOB believe…everything should be on the taxpayer’s back.

4 EdMfromBranford { 07.01.10 at 10:48 pm }

Kevin, you’re the only one who’s still beating this dead horse and the more you do it, the more stupid you look.

Keep it up you smug little twerp.

5 ACR { 07.01.10 at 11:03 pm }

Nice to see almost the entire Foley staff able to post so quickly.

6 EdMfromBranford { 07.02.10 at 12:51 am }

Unlike you Doug, I’m not “staff.” Fedele pays you $1,000.00 a month to do what else besides make an a$$ out of yourself on blogs?

7 Wondergirl { 07.02.10 at 9:38 am }

Yes, by all means blame Kevin for Foley’s folly. The guy is a train wreck who has done everything wrong since these issues were first revealed. Kudos to that gold-plated staff, spending their time blogging.

8 Ken Krayeske { 07.02.10 at 10:31 am }

unfair character evidence of another rich white man to be used against Foley:

9 EdMfromBranford { 07.03.10 at 9:42 am }

Ken, how’s law school going?