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Back to The Bibb. Malloy Ad: “Tom Foley is Lying.”

They know how to testify in Columbus, Georgia, when the topic is Republican Tom Foley and the textile mill known as The Bibb.  Democrat Dan Malloy takes a page from Lieutenant Governor Mike Fedele’s Republican primary playbook and heads south in an ad that begins today.  Lordy, it’s another scorcher from Georgia, refuting Mr. Foley’s most recent ad addressing his role in the demise of the mill.

The former ambassador to Ireland claims in his recent ad that he hired workers and protected their benefits.  The Georgians say it’s not true.

You can watch the 30-second spot here:

Back to the Bibb


1 Mitch Beck { 09.27.10 at 11:27 am }

Dannel’s entire campaign, just like Fedele’s is attack Tom Foley on something that is so ridiculous that it’s laughable that it’s had even a LITTLE traction.

These people that Malloy and Fedele are speaking to were not on the executive board and knew what was going on in the boardroom… It’s completely moronic.

But like Fedele, since he has no plan to fix things and they both have taxpayer money to spend, “Hey what’s the difference.”

It is TRULY a sign of desperation on the Malloy LYING express train.

All you need to know is that this guy wants to raise our taxes in every way possible…was a failure at doing ALL of the things that he claimed happened in Stamford and is TOTALLY in the pocket of the unions. If that’s what you want in your next Governor then vote for him.

On the other hand if you want a chance to turn this state around just the way that Governor Chris Christie is doing in NJ, then vote for Tom Foley who actually has a plan to fix things WITHOUT raising taxes.

2 Aggressive Nutmegger { 09.27.10 at 12:37 pm }

“These people that Malloy and Fedele are speaking to were not on the executive board and knew what was going on in the boardroom… It’s completely moronic.”

So what you’re saying is that you complete disregard first person testimonials from workers at the company in question? Perhaps the people who were in the boardroom and took the company into bankruptcy can’t be trusted to offer a full accounting because they were the ones responsible. Obviously the workers being interviewed have their own biases, but I trust them to accurately describe what it was they experienced.

The problem Foley had explaining his Bibb experience in the primary remains. It’s simply not credible to say “I saved the Bibb” when we all know the company went bankrupt and the mill closed. The truth is clearly more complicated and he has yet to explain it fully.

3 Keith { 09.27.10 at 1:35 pm }

Malloy must have really put out another ‘sumptuous luncheon.’

4 Roxy { 09.27.10 at 2:47 pm }

“On the other hand if you want a chance to turn this state around just the way that Governor Chris Christie is doing in NJ…” Are you honestly comparing Tom Foley to Chris Christie?!?!?! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, what a f-in joke that is!

5 Roger { 09.28.10 at 12:05 am }

Great to see our Georgia friends back… Y’all all betta move.

6 Dan Reale { 09.28.10 at 2:21 am }

Reader request – Would it kill us to talk about all the candidates (Marsh included) and what they all plan to actually do? Or are we content to yammer on about polls, rumors and other such things that teach us less than we could learn from a bar of soap?

If anyone’s answer to either question is “yes”, then he or she should stop complaining about anything political.