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Dominion Dilemma at the Legislature. Exclusive Barclays Financial Analysis on Future of Power Generation in Connecticut.

The legislature is confused. Its members do not know what to do about the Dominion proposal to give the energy giant more options on how it sells the electricity it generates in Connecticut at its nuclear power facility. The company is looking, as many companies do,  for some insulation from market gyrations. Enough legislators are either confused or opposed to the Dominion proposal.

Financial analysts have taken note. Here’s what one from Barclays thinks and it is not good for Connecticut. Click to enlarge.


Dominion, keep in mind, generates energy without adding to the state’s carbon emissions. How many solar panels and wind turbines will it take to replace it.

State Senator Beth Bye (D-West Hartford) takes a different view. She unleashed a splenetic post on Facebook:

Extortion? Is that what hundreds of millions to Pratt & Whitney was? Bye didn’t characterize the Jackson Labs in Farmington as extortion when it made a sweet deal to create a facility in her district? How about those millions to Cigna? Extortion or investment in Connecticut’s future? Often hard to tell the difference.

Where in West Hartford will Bye want all those wind turbines sited to replace the power generated in Waterford if Dominion departs Connecticut?

UPDATE: A reader points out that Bye voted for a 2015 bill that established the same process for natural gas that Dominion is seeking in its proposal this year.

Updates as events demand.