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Guess Who Wishes He’d Skipped Bridgeport. Righteous Wind Turns to Head Wind on Connecticut Coast.

Two years after Barack Obama received 80% of the vote in Bridgeport, Connecticut’s largest city, the President was the headliner at a raucous rally that did not show the former law professor to his best advantage.  Lost in the mess was that Obama appeared in indigo Connecticut to rescue the flagging fortunes of first term Democratic Congressman Jim Hines, the Goldman Sachs alum from tony Greenwich.

One of the opening acts at the rally was state nimrod, Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch, who proclaimed to the crowd estimated at 9,000, “Guess who’s coming to dinner!”  Holy Katharine Hepburn!  Take a moment to consider if a Republican had made that remark. Appalled may be what we feel in a few weeks after the shock of embarrassment.  Flood of outraged Democratic press releases filleting Finch to follow, of course.

The miffed post-partisan president urged well-organized anti-AIDS protesters to heckle Republicans, not him. Obama’s funding of the global fight against AIDS has brought him much criticism over an issue on which hid predecessor who wide praise.  That must rankle.

To be heckled in Bridgeport (and be subjected to a hoary reference to a 43 year old film about interracial marriage) suggests the field of hospitable venues for the President has narrowed.  No wonder he left Bridgeport for Chicago, where Democrats continue to struggle.


1 jschmidt { 10.30.10 at 8:17 pm }

Well Himes would have been better off distancing himself from Obama. But of course when you vote as closely to Pelosi as he has done, it may have finished him already. The Dems overreached, pushed a bad healthcare bill, passed stimulus bills that outraged the voter, ignored Fannie and Freddie in the FinReg bill and showed no tolerance for any disagreement with their polices, and no they’re toast. Good riddance.

2 Jennifer Smith { 10.31.10 at 11:51 am }

Give me a break…I know you’re a Republican, but the real story here isn’t about a bunch of rich kids who want more money for aids, or a mayor who said something silly…the real story here is about thousands of motivated Democrats who are ready to turn out on Election Day. By the way, you’ve miss-spelled Katharine Hepburn’s name, it’s with an “a” not an “e.”

3 Jim Ryan { 10.31.10 at 3:26 pm }

I think Jennies’ right. The Dems will be turned out on Tuesday. Jim R.