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Tales from a Town on Primary Morning. Why Anything Can Happen.



Barren polling place

Good morning on a sleepy primary day in Connecticut. I vote in South Windsor, a town with two well-organized, competitive party operations. Only the Republicans have a primary here today. Last year year’s first ever Republican primary for town council drew nearly 33% of the local faithful to the polls. This morning at about 9:30 a.m.,  5.73% of registered Republicans had voted in the contests for governor, lieutenant governor and comptroller. That includes 52 absentee ballots.

Linda McMahon’s formidable primary organization drove turnout in the 2010 and 2012 primaries, especially in absentee ballots. It’s difficult for a candidate for statewide office to mount a proper effort with $1.4 million in the public funds.

The path to the 75 ft. marker is normally festooned with a forest of signs, even on a special referendum. A forlorn sight awaited voters this morning.

A low turnout can be lethal for frontrunners or provide a day of false hope for their challengers.

UPDATE: At 4:30 p.m., 15% of South Windsor Republicans had voted in person or by absentee.