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Chris Murphy’s curious end of the week.

Senator Chris Murphy remains an enigma shrouded in contradictions.

Yesterday, Murphy’s unceasing fundraising for his re-election campaign included a text message to donors and potential donors that emphasized the Democrat’s mighty struggle. “Challenging the status quo — whether it’s the gun lobby, big oil or foreign policy establishment — comes with a price, and the only way a grassroots campaign like ours will be ready for whatever comes our way is with support from people like you,” wrote the two term U.S. Senator.

The highlights of his self-advertisements on the lonely life of an outsider include his friendship with the prime minister of Qatar, the autocratic nation that hosts Hamas leaders. The scars one must endure as the champion of the Houthis battling the establishment to keep them from being designated terrorists.

Who wouldn’t want to “pitch in” to help the friend of the Houthis? Their motto remains,”God is Great, Death to America, Death to Israel, A curse upon the Jews, Victory to Islam.”

Murphy’s assessment of Connecticut politics leaves no room for the spirit of rebellion. On Friday, he found time to support felonious Bridgeport Mayor Joseph Ganim in the run-up to Tuesday’s special election for mayor. The election is necessary because Ganim supporters engaged in such widespread absentee shenanigans last summer that the outcome could not be determined.

Supporting Ganim is the opposite of “challenging the status quo.”

Anyone who campaigns for Ganim in the aftermath of last fall’s absentee ballot trial forfeits his credibility in delivering homilies on how we are to uphold our democratic norms in this perilous hour for freedom under the rule of law.

Published February 23, 2024.