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Donors Add $609k to Stefanowski’s $10 Million.

More than 1,500 donors contributing an average of $395 each added $609,243 to Republican gubernatorial hopeful Bob Stefanowski’s campaign coffers in his first quarter of fundraising. Stefanowski has contributed $10 million to his second bid for governor. That was not included in the campaign’s calculation of the median donation, $50.

The amount raised is a reminder that it is often a challenge for wealthy candidates who put a chunk of their fortune into a campaign to build a broad base of contributors.

Governor Ned Lamont is financing his re-election campaign himself, as he has done in his three previous statewide campaigns in 2006, 2010 and 2018.

Stafanowski is receiving some early assistance from an independent expenditure committee. The Republican Governors Association and the Democratic Governors Association may also enter the fray later in the campaign as each assesses their candidate’s standing with voters in the run-up to election day.

Published April 11, 2022.