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Johnny Angel new Senate Republicans Caucus chief of staff.

Farmington Republican John Healey is the new chief of staff for the dozen-member Senate Republican caucus. He replaces Rob Poudrier.

Healey was cast in a featured role in a 2013 pay-to-play federal criminal trail of an aide to former Speaker of the House Christopher Donovan. A government wired government witness, Raymond Soucy, recorded his attempt to put $5,000 in cash in the refrigerator of then-House Minority Leader Lawrence Cafero. The Norwalk Republican told Soucy not to leave the cash and directed him to take a walk with Healey, a Cafero aide known as Johnny Angel.

“Soucy later gave five $1,000 checks to Republican political action committees using straw donors,” Dave Altimari reported from the trial, “including his own mother.” A House Republican campaign committee accepted the checks.

Healey served as New Britain Mayor Erin Stewart’s chief of staff during her first term. Healey left that position to embark on a career in the private sector managing municipal finances–including New Britain’s.

Senate Republicans won 18 seats in 2016 and have been on a losing streak since. In November they were lost one seat while eking out wins in two others, leaving them with 12 of the Senate’s 36 members. If Republicans nominate Donald Trump for president next year, they may suffer more defeats.

Published January 26, 2023.