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Johnson/Logan host committee grows for March 16th event.

The host committee for Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) has grown to 11. Hosts, according to the invitation, are in for $6,600.00, co-hosts for $3,300. Host committee members at events like this are notorious for not paying the amount advertised and often do not attend. Logan’s first quarter campaign finance report, a crucial one for any candidate in a competitive race, will tell the tale.

Individual donors with more money than sense may contribute up to $310,700.00 to the Logan Victory Fund. That amount will be allocated $9,900.00 to the Logan campaign committee. That’s $3,300.00 each for the convention, primary and general election phases of the campaign. Logan appears to have no primary challenger.

The GSL PAC–that’s Logan’s PAC and it has little money–will receive $5,000.00. The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) will pocket $41,300.00. The parlous finances of the state Republican will be boosted by $10,000.00. The NRCC Building Fund would receive $123,900.00 of the $310,700.00. The remaining $123,900.00 would go to the NRCC for its Legal Proceedings Fund. Johnson, who was a leading House Republican 2020 election denier will have a particular affinity for those contributions.

Maximum NRCC contributors are rewarded with “Elite VIP Access to all Regional Major Donor Events.” Ponder what those must be like before writing that check.

Published March 10, 1014.