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Tahoe Tong Celebrates His First 100 Days With “Tasteful and Appropriate” Casual Dress Day.

More confirmation that self-regard rules in the Office of the Attorney General. Tahoe-driving, faux environmentalist William Tong sent a message to all office employees late Monday afternoon to let them know that Thursday will be his 100th day in office. This appears not to have been on office calendars nor on the minds of the state’s busy civil lawyers.

To celebrate his epoch, HRH Tong has engaged in the sort of noblesse oblige that they used to learn at fancy private schools. He invites the office masses to don as a tribute to him on Thursday “any tasteful and appropriate clothing in which you are comfortable.”

One measure of how tone-deaf Tong is on employee relations? Even Richard Blumenthal never issued such a decree during his 20 years in the office.